klsk писал(а): ↑Сб дек 03, 2022 6:29 pmПриводить ссылку на русскояызчный перевод исследования от 2012 года, которое было много раз опровергнуто, это крутоCoffee lover писал(а): ↑Сб дек 03, 2022 1:39 amЧитаешь некоторые посты и думаешь , наверное я в каменном веке , где в пещерах все позволено и не существует никаких моральных границ ..
Исследования доказали деструктивное влияние ЛГБТ-семей на детей, которых они воспитывают
Дети, воспитанные в ЛГБТ-семьях, с трудом адаптируются в социуме, помышляют о суициде и испытывают психологические проблемы.
Таковы результаты научного исследования, проведенного социологом Марком Регнерусом в Остинском отделении Техасского университета США.
https://versia-ru.turbopages.org/turbo/ ... spityvayut
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/vol ... ing-study/Three years ago, against the strong consensus of social scientists and professional child-welfare groups, University of Texas sociologist Mark Regnerus concluded that children of gay parents fare worse than children raised by married opposite-sex parents. In the face of intense criticism and a scorching assessment from a federal judge (“not worthy of serious consideration”), Regnerus doubled down on his conclusions and filed an amicus brief against gay marriage in federal court.
But a new critique of Regnerus’ work by Professors Simon Cheng (University of Connecticut) and Brian Powell (Indiana University), published in the same journal as his original study, Social Science Research (available free to most academics and for a $35.95 fee to the general public), suggests that Regnerus misclassified a significant number of children as being raised in same-sex households. Based on a re-evaluation of the data, it concludes there are minimal differences in outcome for children raised by same-sex parents and married opposite-sex parents.
This likely means that a sizable number of the 236 respondents counted as “raised by” lesbian mothers and gay fathers had not, in fact, been raised by same-sex parents. For example, nine of the responses likely came from jokesters:
The most blatant example of highly suspicious responses is the case of a 25 year-old man who reports that his father had a romantic relationship with another man, but also reports that he (the respondent) was 7-feet 8-inches tall, weighed 88 pounds, was married 8 times and had 8 children. Other examples include a respondent who claims to have been arrested at age 1 and another who spent an implausibly short amount of time (less than 10 minutes) to complete the survey.
Another 53 of the 236 responses came from children who lived with gay mothers or fathers for less than a year. Another 20 came from respondents whose entries were otherwise inconsistent or improbable. Others had lived with gay parents for 2-4 years.
By the time you back these contested responses out of the analysis, here’s what you’re left with: “Of the 236 respondents identified by Regnerus (2012a) as living in a LM [lesbian mother] or GF [gay father] household, we identify only 51 that can plausibly be coded as being raised for at least a year in a same-sex couple household.”
То , что не поддержали ученого и не только его с противоположными взглядами , не отменяет тот факт, что есть такие исследования и мнения
Следовательно , опасность для детей существует .
Вы бы подписали бумагу , если бы знали, что вас родителей не станет ( не дай Бог , конечно, всем здоровья) на передачу детей в семью ЛГБТ?
Уверена , что подавляющее большинство на форуме и в страшном сне такого не могли бы пожелать своим детям