Annushka писал(а): ↑Пн сен 04, 2023 5:57 am
Это неправда, у демов тоже много разногласий. А у трампистов все за одного криминального лидера - хотят диктатуры.
да. У Демов разногласия:
- Илхан Омар: abolish the police
- Рашида Тлаиб: defund the police, empty out all the federal prisons
- Весь Squad: hates Israel, America, the police & Jews.
- progressive caucus (102 House Members): all hard left lunatics ... ive_Caucus
Deputy chair: Ilhan Omar
"founded in 1991 and has grown since then, becoming the largest Democratic caucus in the House of Representatives....
The CPC advocates "a universal, high-quality, Medicare for All health care system for all", living wage laws, reductions in military expenditure, a
crackdown on corporate greed, putting an end to mass incarceration, supporting and implementing swift measures to start reversing climate change, immigration policies that are humane, and reparations.
Если бы такие правили Джорджией и Бакхедом, Аннушка бы давно оттуда съехала на Брайтон.