я без лоера тут не разберусь - но с моей тупой точки зрения она уехать сама легально не может, но депортирована может быть. по причине непоняток с разрешения мужем (и его наличия в живых), отсутствия паспортов и т.п.мышка Машка писал(а): ↑Ср дек 06, 2023 9:30 pmНет, не дадут, но и детей у нее отбирать не будут. Просто уедет обратно. И это правильно.
Как правильно было бы и эту даму отправить обратно
If you have temporary asylum, and you leave the country without special permission, you can face automatic deportation back to your home country.
If your child was born in the U.S., they are considered a U.S. citizen. If you plan to take your child to another country, you need to consider their travel needs as a U.S. citizen (unless you have made arrangements for dual citizenship). Your child may need a visa to enter the country to which you will travel. Your child will also need a U.S. passport (as well as a passport from the second country if a dual citizen).
If your child will be traveling with only one parent, or someone other than both parents, they could encounter problems both departing the U.S. or returning to the U.S. This is because the U.S. and other countries need to ensure a child is not being taken across international borders without parental consent. If